Gastritis is due to the inflammation of the lining of the stomach. The Stomach Lining called the gastric mucosa, is the inner lining of the stomach that comes into contact with food or digestive acids. It is made up of several layers of epithelial cells that secrete mucus and other protective substances.

The mucus helps protect the stomach lining from being eroded by the strong stomach acid (hydrochloric acid) used for digestion. Gastritis occurs when causing any irritation to the protective lining of the stomach due to various causes.

It can occur suddenly (acute gastritis) or gradually over time (chronic gastritis). The inflammation causes symptoms such as burning abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, bloating, and loss of appetite.

There are several potential causes of gastritis. Acute gastritis is often triggered by dietary indiscretions like drinking too much alcohol, eating spicy or irritating foods, or taking certain medications like nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Chronic gastritis is commonly caused by infection with the Helicobacter pylori bacteria or autoimmune disorders. Other risk factors include smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, stress, and vitamin deficiencies. 

Homeopathy treatment for gastritis is very effective in curing the inflammatory changes in gastric mucosa. Homeopathy medicines for gastritis help to bring back the stomach lining to a completely healthy state.

Left untreated, chronic gastritis can lead to serious complications like stomach ulcers, internal bleeding, and even stomach cancer in some cases. That’s why it’s important to properly diagnose and treat the underlying causes. While acute gastritis often resolves on its own with self-care, chronic gastritis requires medical intervention.

 Lifestyle changes like dietary modifications, quitting smoking, and managing stress are very important during the homeopathy treatment for gastritis.

By understanding the causes and getting homeopathy treatment, most cases of gastritis can be cured and reduce the risks of long-term stomach damage.

Causes for gastritis

? Helicobacter pylori (H. pylori) infection.

This bacterial infection is a leading cause of chronic gastritis

H. pylori can damage the stomach lining and increase acid production

?Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)

Medications like ibuprofen, naproxen, and aspirin can irritate and inflame the gastric lining

Risk increases with long-term, high-dose NSAID use

?Excessive alcohol consumption

Alcohol can directly irritate the stomach lining and make it more vulnerable to acid damage

?Bile reflux

Backup of bile (digestive fluid) from the small intestine into the stomach can cause gastritis

?Autoimmune disorders

In some cases, the body’s immune system may mistakenly attack stomach lining cells

?Other infections

Viral infections like CMV or fungal overgrowth can sometimes trigger gastritis


Severe, prolonged stress may lead to increased stomach acid and inflammation

?Diet and lifestyle factors

Smoking, nutritional deficiencies, eating spicy/acidic foods in excess.

Symptoms of gastritis

▶️Abdominal pain or discomfort

Burning, gnawing, or a dull ache in the upper abdomen

Pain may worsen after eating, especially with spicy/fatty foods

▶️Nausea and vomiting

Inflammation can cause feelings of nausea

Vomiting may occur, sometimes with blood or coffee-ground-like material

▶️Bloating and fullness

The stomach may feel uncomfortably full after eating even small amounts

▶️Loss of appetite

Stomach discomfort can lead to a decreased desire to eat

▶️Hiccups and belching

Excessive gas and belching may occur due to stomach inflammation

▶️Indigestion or heartburn

Gastritis can make it difficult for the stomach to keep acid down

▶️Black, tarry stools

A sign of bleeding in the stomach/digestive tract

▶️Feeling of sickness

Some patients report generalized feelings of illness or malaise.

Homeopathy treatment for gastritis 

Since homeopathy treatment is a natural system of medicine, it is very effective and safe. Homeopathy treatment for gastritis includes only the intake of safe and simple medicines. There won’t be any surgical procedures. Homeopathy treatment is based on the principle Similia similibus curantur. During homeopathy treatment for gastritis, the doctor will collect all the details needed for the formation of the totality of symptoms. Homeopathy medicines for gastritis are based on the totality of symptoms. Hence each patient is treated with individual medicines. Homeopathy treatment for gastritis is completely free of side effects and complications.

Some of the important homeopathy medicines for gastritis are,

1. Nux Vomica

Useful for gastritis caused by overeating, excessive alcohol consumption, or rich and spicy foods.

Indicated when there is nausea, vomiting, constipation, and a sour taste in the mouth.

2. Pulsatilla

Recommended for gastritis with a feeling of heaviness in the stomach, especially after consuming rich or fatty foods.

May also help when there is a bitter taste in the mouth and a craving for cold drinks.

3. Carbo Vegetabilis

Useful for gastritis with bloating, belching, and a feeling of fullness after eating even small amounts of food.

May also help with nausea and vomiting.

4. Arsenicum Album

Indicated for gastritis with burning pain, nausea, and vomiting, especially after consuming cold drinks or ice cream.

May also be helpful for gastritis accompanied by diarrhea.

5. Bryonia

Useful for gastritis with a feeling of excessive fullness, a desire for cold drinks, and constipation.

Indicated when there is a sensation of heaviness in the stomach, which is aggravated by even the slightest motion.

6. Robinia

Recommended for gastritis with a feeling of hunger and emptiness in the stomach, even after eating.

May also help with nausea and a sour taste in the mouth.

To know more details regarding homeopathy treatment for gastritis please contact us.

Dr Lasima Sadique

Dr.Basil’s Homeo Hospital

New Delhi & Kerala
