Cholesterol management with homeopathy medicines.
Cholesterol is a frightening word for all. While hearing the word cholesterol the things first come to mind are chest pain and heart attack. High cholesterol is mainly a lifestyle disorder, but it also can be due to genetic factors. High cholesterol as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle can be prevented and cured, while high cholesterol caused by genetic factors is very hard to treat.
Avoiding oily food completely from our diet is the first step most of us take for controlling high cholesterol. We have to realize the fact that cholesterol is essential for the formation cells, hormones etc. It is only dangerous when we take cholesterol beyond the limit that our body needs.
The other fact we have to keep in mind is that eating oil as such or oily food not only increases cholesterol but also having high starchy food like rice and high sugar also increases the cholesterol level in the blood. The number of patients coming in with high cholesterol levels are rising day by day. The main reason for this is the changed unhealthy lifestyle and sedentary work method.
Homeopathy is very effective in managing high cholesterol and its aftereffects. You can manage high cholesterol with homeopathic medicines that have no side effects.
Factors causing high cholesterol
▶️ Eating more oily food and fatty food.( especially fats, and trans Fat. Saturated fats are more commonly seen in meat food items and full-fat dairy products. Trans fats are mainly seen in packaged desserts and snacks.
▶️ Obesity is a great risk for high cholesterol. A BMI over 30 is considered obese.
▶ ️ Sedentary habits, and not doing exercise regularly are considered to cause high cholesterol.
▶️ Bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol are considered the main factors causing high cholesterol levels in the blood.
▶️ Aging is one of the factors for high cholesterol, especially after 40. After 40 the liver
can not remove the bad cholesterol from the body as before. This points towards the importance of diet control after 40 years to regulate the level of cholesterol in the body.
▶️ Genetic factors. This is very risky and very hard to manage.
▶️ There are certain disease conditions like chronic kidney disease, lupus, hypothyroidism, diabetes, HIV, or aids, which cause high cholesterol levels in the body.
▶️ Intake of certain medicines may cause worsening of the cholesterol level in our body, such medicines to treat ailments like acne, cancer, high blood pressure, HIV or aids, irregular heart rhythm, organ transplants etc.
What is good cholesterol and bad cholesterol
On checking the cholesterol level in our body we can see the values are written under different headings like HDL, LDL, VLDL and triglycerides.
Call Esther is carried in our blood by attaching to certain proteins called lipoproteins. Based on the rarity of lipoprotein on which cholesterol is a test, the cholesterol is divided into HDL, LDL, and VLDL. LDL and VLDL are considered bad cholesterol which has a higher risk for heart disease. HDL is considered good cholesterol, which takes excess cholesterol to the liver and helps to remove it from the body.
The risk factors due to high cholesterol level
High cholesterol levels in the body for a long time will cause fatty deposits on the walls of blood vessels. Gradually the thickness of the deposit will increase, and it will be difficult to flow the blood through these blood vessels.
This deposit will be at a great risk of breaking and forming clots which cause chest pain, heart attack and stroke.
Homeopathic treatment for cholesterol
Homoeopathy can effectively manage cholesterol levels in our body. The homeopathic medicines for cholesterol are well proved and efficient. They are purely natural medicines prepared from sources like plants, animals and minerals. Homeopathic medicines for cholesterol are completely free of side effects. From infants to aged people, anyone can take homeopathic medicine for cholesterol safely. During pregnancy, it is risky to take any medicines due to the complications but you can trust Homeopathy medicines which are one hundred percent safe to take during pregnancy. With high cholesterol levels, you may need to take medicines for a long period. Here Homoeopathy medicines for cholesterol are blessings for patients where they are completely free of side effects and can be safely taken for any long period.
Some of the important homeopathic medicines for cholesterol are,
1. Chelidonium
2. Closterium
3. Allium cepa
4. Lycopodium
5. Phosphorus
6. Crataegus oxyacanthine
7. Nux vomica
8. Berberis vulgaris
9. Graphites
10. Sulphur
Homeopathy medicines for cholesterol not only help regulate cholesterol levels in the body but also prevent complications due to high cholesterol levels, like chest pain, heart, attack and stroke.
For more details regarding homeopathic treatment for cholesterol, please contact us,
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
Online consultant, Dr.Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram
WhatsApp- + 96895511267