Pandikkad, Malappuram Dist, Kerala
& New Delhi

acidity homeopathy treatment

Author: Dr. Basil's Homoeo Hospital
Date: December 16, 2023

Acidity, Homeopathy treatment is very effective.

Annoying burning pain in the chest after eating food is one of the most distressing things for most people. Due to the disgusting burning pain, they avoid most of their favourite food items or some are even afraid to take necessary food. Homeopathy is a piece of good news for such suffering people. For acidity, homeopathy offers a natural and complete cure. Homeopathy empowers the body’s immunity and repairing power. This enables the body to cure without any remnants.

Numerous clinical studies validate homeopathy as an effective intervention for various types of acid reflux and related digestive complaints. And regulatory bodies across the globe have found preparations to be safe for adults and children.

What is acidity?

Acidity refers to a condition in which stomach acid levels are higher than normal or the stomach’s protective lining has been damaged by too much acid.

Acidity is also called acid reflux, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), or heartburn. It can cause uncomfortable burning sensations moving up from the stomach to the oesophagus or throat.

It occurs when the valve between the stomach and oesophagus doesn’t fully close, allowing gastric acid to reverse course into the more delicate oesophagal tissues. This valve is called the lower oesophagal sphincter (LES).

Everyone experiences minor reflux on occasion after eating too much or eating trigger foods. But for some, it becomes a chronic condition requiring management due to frequent symptoms interfering with the quality of life.

If left untreated, the acid can damage oesophagal tissues and cause painful complications like ulcers, strictures, Barrett’s oesophagus, and increased cancer risk.

What are the risk factors 

👉Eating fatty, fried, or spicy foods can relax the oesophagal sphincter and trigger reflux. Alcohol, chocolate, citrus fruits, tomato products, garlic, onions, peppermint, and coffee can also make GERD symptoms worse.

👉Obesity – Excess weight increases abdominal pressure which can push stomach contents upwards into the esophagus.

👉Obesity – Excess weight increases abdominal pressure which can push stomach contents upwards into the esophagus.

👉Hiatal Hernia 


👉 Certain medications

👉Stress and Anxiety – When the “fight or flight” nervous system is activated from mental/emotional triggers, digestion is impaired. Stress affects stomach acid production and causes indigestion. Relaxation helps.

Eating Too Late – Going to bed too soon after eating leaves excess food in the stomach promoting increased overnight acidity while lying flat makes reflux more likely due to position.

For acidity, Homeopathy treatment is the best.

Homeopathy offers a safe, gentle approach to treating acidity by stimulating the body’s healing response rather than just suppressing symptoms. Some key points about hom

eopathic treatment for issues like acid reflux and heartburn include:

Remedies are customized to each person’s unique pattern of signs and symptoms – there is no one-size-fits-all treatment. A trained homoeopath selects the most fitting preparation.

Common homoeopathic remedies used for acidity include Arsenicum album, Carbo vegetabilis, Lycopodium, Nux vomica, Phosphorus, Pulsatilla, Robinia and Sulphur. Each has an affinity for improving specific digestive complaints.

Extremely diluted natural mineral, botanical, or biological substances are prepared in homeopathy labs under stringent protocols. Though highly diluted, the remedies retain a stamp of the original substance that stimulates healing responses when correctly matched constitutionally.

Tiny lactose pellets are placed under the tongue to dissolve, absorbing into the mucous membranes. Dosing protocols are adapted as the person improves to find the minimum frequency needed to get maximum benefit without suppressing symptoms.

In addition to managing acute flare-ups, homeopathic treatment aims to address underlying contributors like food sensitivities, hormonal imbalances, and stress that make someone prone to excess acidity. It works deeply to strengthen digestion holistically.

Numerous studies validate homeopathy’s efficacy and safety for improving chronic acid reflux and related esophageal inflammation. Patients often report long-term improvement of troublesome symptoms as well as reduced dependency on conventional medications.

In summary, homeopathy works gently to stimulate the body’s self-regulating capacity to heal acid imbalance at its roots – providing more than palliative relief of GERD and heartburn symptoms. A constitutional approach delivers a better quality of life.


Opposite Bus Stand, Near Supplyco Super Market, Manjeri Road, Pandikkad, Mpm Dist. Kerala 676521
094462 23574

New Delhi

N-161,Saira Tower,G.F, Gautam Nagar Near Green Park Metro Station Gate no.2 South Delhi-110049

Opening Hours

Monday to Saturday  -  09:00AM to 07:00PM
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