- Homeopathy is one of the medical systems introduced by Dr. Samual Hanuman in Germany. It is based on the principle that” like cures like”, which means that the medicinal substance which causes symptoms in the healthy individual will cure the symptoms that are produced in the sick, for example for an individual who is suffering from insomnia are prescribed the medicines which are prepared from coffee.
✒️Evolution of Homeopathy:
Homeopathy was invented by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann a German physician, the first treatment was done for malaria, so he thought of that experiment himself and valued the doors of same and from symptoms of malaria fever, malaise, etc
Some Important principles of homeopathic medicine:
◼️Likes Cures Likes:
Similia similibus cure the introduced by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann his journey with the drug proved the drug existed done on healthy individuals and collected symptoms that individual deals with this gave the picture of medicine more than 2000 clinical proving, as well as bad effects of medicines recorded.
During case taking detailed case-taking is compulsory for homeopathic physicians but physical psychological symptoms are non the Homeopathic physician that undergoes matching of symptoms of the patient about homeopathic remedy whose materials are almost the same.
◼️Minimum Dose:
In the beginning, the drug proved in the healthy individual the medicinal substance that Road farm during this time Hahnemann understood that when the patient is getting an effective cure with this medicine the patient also feels some bad effects so he started to experiment to reduce the bad effects and came up with the idea of potentization.
All homeopathic medicines are made from dilutions. In each step, there will be a success where the dilution is higher and the potential will be more. From these days Samuel Hahnemann came to the stage in which medicine was prepared with maximum medical effect with the lowest side effects.
◼️Single Remedy:
In the homeopathic system the decision should prescribe only single medicine at a time, so when we introduce more than one medicine mixing of the symptoms may appear and we may become confused about the symptoms of the patient will select the result of the case.
✒️Homeopathic Treatment for the patient:
Treatment is done in two categories: acute and chronic cases. In acute cases, the treatment is done for the patient who is suffering from symptoms that have reason to be said and in some cases, the symptoms may be self-treatable. In this case, the body will overcome the symptoms, for example cold. In this case, the best drug will gently stimulate the body to recover the symptoms fast and in the best way. In other chronic cases, the case will be long-lasting and recurring. The result is related to many factors such as the history of early-stage family history and the history of previous treatment. show the ultimate goal is to return the diseased individual to a well-being state.
⚫ Key ingredients of homeopathic medicine:
Homeopathic medicines are formed from plants, minerals, and animal substances which are proven and non their pharmacological as well as biological actions.
◼️Preparations of medicine:
First, the collection of medicinal substances is done then the dissolving of a medicinal substance, that is dissolving of RAW medical substance in water or alcohol is done. Then dilution is done in between the divisions the succession is done till the design level of dilution is reached. The melting of material is done into dose tablets pellets,s supposition es, gels creams, and syrups.
◼️Different sources of Homeopathic medicines:
1.Vegetable kingdom.
2. Animal kingdom.
Sub sources: a) Ophidia
3. Mineral Kingdom
4. Nosodes.
5. Sarcodes.
6. Imponderabilia.
7. Synthetic sources.
Vegetable kingdom: It includes whole plants, roots, stems, leaves, herbs, flowers, fruits, seeds barks, algae, fungi, etc.
The different plants and parts used to prepare mother tincture and mother substances.
1.Whole plants.
2. Roots.
3. Stems.
4. Leaves.
5. Young Shoots.
6. Flowers.
7. Fruits.
8. Seeds.
9. Bark
10. Wood.
11. Extractions.
12. Cryptogamia.
13. Alkaloids.
◼️Animal Kingdom:
The drug is prepared from living or dried whole animals, with different parts secretions.
◼️Whole Living Animals:
◼️Whole Dried Animals.
◼️Different Parts, Secretions of Animals
◼️Milk and Milk Products
⚫Mineral Kingdom and Chemicals.
- Acids.
2. Elements.
2. Compounds.
3. Minerals.
◼️Nosodes and Biotherapeutic Preparations:
The treatment of disease using a causal agent or a product of the same disease is called nosodes.
◼️Sarcodes :
Medicines that are madforro the preparation of healthy animal tissues and secretions.
it means which is not we able, that is the substance that has no perceptible weight, material power, or energy.
◼️Synthetic Source
◼️ Commonly Used Homeopathic Medicines:
Rhus Tox:
it is used for breast and sore muscles and joints and also used for arthritis skin rashes like chickenpox and shingles
It is used as a solution to clean cuts and wounds, and also used for cold sores cuts, and burns.
Hepar Sulph:
very painful and infected bone responds respond well to this remedy.
It is used for Red Hot and swollen conditions. This is a great remedy for skin conditions such as boils.
Nux Vomica:
It is used for stomach conditions and headaches caused by food or alcohol. It is very much work for irritability.
used for trauma injury bruises is an aversion to attention.
It is great for shock and bad news when the symptoms come suddenly like a sudden sore throat or headache.
mainly used for insect bite allergic reactions in Arctic areas the affected part will be Red Hot and swell and the pain will be stinging type.
Why Homeopathic Medicine:
The homeopathic method of treatment involves administering medicines to stimulate the body’s natural healing response. Using specially formulated medicines according to homeopathic pharmacopeia, the patient is treated as a whole, taking into account his or her physical, mental, and emotional state. The lifestyle hereditary factors are also included in case taking.
The medicines are prepared according to homeopathic pharmacopeia from many sources of medicinal substances. Case-taking of the patient is taken as a whole. and the administration of medicine is done for a mild, gentle, and permanent cure.