Pandikkad, Malappuram Dist, Kerala
& New Delhi

5 Best Homeopathic Remedies To Relieve Asthma

Author: Dr. Basil's Homoeo Hospital
Date: March 11, 2022

Asthma is a common and potentially serious chronic respiratory disease in which the lungs’ airways get inflamed. This inflammation causes the airways to swell and produce excess mucus, which further obstructs air passage. A sense of tightness is felt in the chest, and often the patient suffers from a severe cough.

These are the common symptoms of asthma:

  • Breathlessness
  • Wheezing in chest
  • Tightness and heaviness in breathing
  • Mucus-producing cough
  • Whistling sound while breathing
  • Chest pain while jogging, walking, or doing any other activity

Homeopathy is the holistic way of treating asthma permanently. Homeopathy does not aim at reducing inflammation. Rather, it cures the disease with its root cause. So, treating asthma with homeopathy is safe because these remedies are natural. Homeopathic remedies for asthma do not produce any side effects. Several homeopathic medicines are used to treat mild or severe asthma.

5 Best Homeopathic Medicine For Asthma

Best Homeopathic Medicine For Asthma

1. Arsenic Album

Homeopathic medicine arsenic album is one of the effective homeopathy remedies for patients who have asthma with anxiety. The patient may experience restlessness, wheezing and coughing, a sense of suffocation while lying down, a sudden increase in thirst, and so on. Patients usually feel better after drinking warm beverages. Moreover, It is beneficial both in the acute phase and the chronic state.

2. Antimonium Tart

Antimonium tart is prescribed when asthma occurs with rattling. There is a rattling cough as if the chest is full of loose mucus but minimal mucous expectoration. The cough is triggered by eating. There is drowsiness and weakness. It is more suited to older people and young children. Also, there is usually a burning sensation in the chest and throat, intense cough after eating anything, breathlessness, and hoarseness of the voice. 

3. Ipecac

Ipecac is an excellent homeopathic medicine for asthma in children with nausea and vomiting. Ipecac works well when there is a lot of coughing and mucus rales in the chest. Suffocation, shortness of breath, and gasping for air accompany the cough. The child may become blue and stiff during an asthma attack.

4. Carbo Veg

Carbo veg is shown the most amazing result in asthma in aged people. Carbo Veg is used to treat coughs that cause a burning sensation in the chest. Expectoration is present in the morning. The phlegm is mainly yellow or pus-like and sour, salty, or putrid taste. The cough gets worse in the evening. There is a frequent need to take deep breaths. The wheezing and rattling of mucus are also prominent.

Carbo Veg is also the medicine to use where the cough worsens as one goes from warm to cold. It is also the medicine to treat asthma that worsens with acidity or flatulence.

5. Nux Vomica

Nux vomica is the best homeopathic remedy for patients who have asthma with gastric disturbances. Nux Vomica is used to treat difficulty breathing associated with a feeling of fullness and heaviness in the stomach, especially after a large meal. The sensations worsen after a meal and in the morning, increasing by cold air. Asthma symptoms are relieved by belching. It can also help with trouble breathing caused by a gastrointestinal disturbance.

A homeopath records the medical history, family history, and physical and psychological factors in order to prescribe the medicines for asthma. Homeopathic treatment for asthma depends on the final selection of the medicine which varies from patient to patient as the symptoms might not be similar. Always consult a homeopathic doctor for diagnosis and a proper prescription for your condition. Dr.Basil’s Homeopathy Hospital in provides the best treatment options for asthma.


Opposite Bus Stand, Near Supplyco Super Market, Manjeri Road, Pandikkad, Mpm Dist. Kerala 676521
094462 23574

New Delhi

N-161,Saira Tower,G.F, Gautam Nagar Near Green Park Metro Station Gate no.2 South Delhi-110049

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Monday to Saturday  -  09:00AM to 07:00PM
Dr.Basil's Homeo Hospital is one of the Leading Homeo Hospitals in India with more than 1 lakh cured patients from over 21 countries. We are using latest Europian Softwares to Diagnose disease and Exact Medicines are prescribed that suites the patient. All our Potency Medicines are Directly imported from Germany, Mother land of Homoeopathy. We are Providing Online Consultation throughout the world. We are proud to be the First IHRC Accredited Homeo Hospital in India.
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