Many of us are suffering from piles. Severe itching, bleeding, pain, etc are the major symptoms of piles. Nowadays many of our friends suffer from the same but are very shy to discuss their complaints!!
Many of the patients are unaware of the Homeopathic system of medicine. The majority of us are thinking that modern medicine and surgery are the only way to cure piles. But the fact is not like that. In the Government of India, there is a Department of medicine called the Ayush system of medicine which includes Ayurveda, Sidha, yoga, Unani, and Homeopathy. These all are the medical systems approved by the government of India and proven by modern science. Among these, Homeopathy can play a major role in Piles Treatment.
What is Piles and what are its causes?
Piles are small protrusions of the veins in the anal area which cause severe pain, bleeding, heaviness of the rectum, constipation, etc. Hereditary is a major cause of piles. Lifestyle failures like sleeplessness, bad food habits, lack of drinking enough, etc also lead to piles.
Piles are broadly classified into internal and External in accordance with the location of hemorrhoids present inside or outside the anal canal. Many people misread fissures and fistula as piles as they are commonly called all anal ailments piles. So the proper diagnosis of the disease is the most important even though the patient is saying I am having Piles!
How to Diagnose Piles?
After carefully listening to your symptoms and examinations, a doctor can easily diagnose your case. For further diagnosis, a Proctoscopic examination under anesthesia, colonoscopy, MRI scanning, etc can be done.
Whenever a patient is diagnosed, he will be depressed and think of the surgery. Many of them don’t know homeopathy is an effective way to cure piles without surgery.
Can Homeopathy cure piles without surgery?
From my experience, many of the patients give you from the piles with your homeopathic medicine without any surgery.
In fact, homeopathy has thousands of medicines for piles prepared from natural sources like minerals, plants, etc. Nux Vomica, Hamamelis, Romania, etc are the main medicines that help to cure piles in Homeopathy.
What are the Homeopathic medicines available for piles? And how is Piles
Apart from modern medicine, homeopathy does not give any specific medicine for a particular disease. As per the homeopathic system of medicine, we will be carefully listening and learning about the patient as every patient is mentally and physically different and his illness also different so the curative should also be different!!
*How a Homeopathic Doctor Treat a Piles Patient?*
Being expert homeopaths, we will first listen to the patient carefully and ask needed questions, and will make a clear picture of the disease its causes, and its prognosis. After that, we will go through the present medical reports and will do a needed investigation like blood examinations, Protoscopic examinations, etc. After learning all these doctors can get a clear picture of the disease and the patient. Based on this we will set a detailed protocol for treating this patient.
‘*Remove the cause is our primary Aim’*
After understanding the disease and patient we will primarily stick on to remove the course of the disease. For this required counseling in diet management lifestyle extra will be given.
*What is Next?*
After removing the course we will try to reduce the symptoms suffering from the patient. For example, if he has constipation we will advise, diet and exercise for constipation and will give needed medication for constipation. Along with it, we will try to cure the pain caused by constipation.
*The final Step for a permanent cure*
By this time, we will proceed with Constitutional Treatment where we will empower the body to cure itself. The Stimulus received by the body from constitutional medicine can fasten the normal curative mechanism of the body. As your body itself is curing the disease, the result will be lifelong and permanent!
*How long do we have to take medication?*
If you are taking this for a short period like 3 to 6 months, it is enough to cure it completely. This period is highly changeable from patient to patient.
*Is it a permanent Cure?*
Yes. Homeopathy treatment assures a permanent cure so that patient can stop the medication after a few periods and there is no need for continued medication. And these medicines don’t have side effects too.
Advantages of Homeopathic Medicines
1.No Side Effect
2. this medicine can be taken to all age groups
3. No strict Diet restrictions
4. Patient-tailored treatment
5. pocket-friendly packages
6. No lifetime medication
As everyone thought surgery and modern medicine is not the only way to cure piles, Homeopathy can cure them without any surgery on low budgets.
Prepared by
Dr.Basil Yousuf
Dr.Basil’s Homeo Hospital
Pandikkad, Mpm Dist