Peripartum Depression is a treatable mental Health illness that affects women after giving birth. An estimated one in seven women experiences Peripartum Depression.
Pregnancy and the period after delivery can be a particularly Vulnerable time for women.Mothers often experience immense Biological,emotional,financial and social changes during this time.
Most of the new mothers experience the ‘Baby blues’ ,which is a short lasting condition and that does not interfere with daily activities and not require medical attention.
Peripartum Depression is different from baby blues in which the emotional and physical Debilitation may continue for months or more.Getting treatment is inevitable for the welfare of both the mother and child.

? women who had prenatal Depression or Anxiety
?Family history of Depression
?Stressful life events experienced during and after pregnancy
?Previous still birth or miscarriage
? Moderate to severe premenstrual symptoms
?Poor marital Relationship or Single marital status
?A lack of strong emotional support from spouse,family or friends.
?Unplanned or Unwanted Pregnancy

A women may have postpartum Depression If she experiences some of these
⭐Worrying excessively or feeling on edge
⭐Crying for no reason or excessively
⭐Trouble sleeping or wanting to sleep all the time
⭐Thoughts of suicide
⭐Lack of Interest in your baby or feeling anxious around your baby.
⭐Thoughts of hurting your baby or feeling like you donot want your baby.
⭐Low self esteem
⭐Lack of interest or pleasure in activities
⭐Hopelesness and lack of concentration

⭐Depends on severity,treatment can include
??Medications for anxiety and Depression
??Support group
??Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Homoeopathic treatment for peripartum Depression provides Complete holistic wellbeing to the patient assisting recovery in the safest and most natural way.

Dr.Jumana Haseen A.G
Dr.Basil’s Homoeo Hospital