What is homoeopathy?
Homoeopathy is a system of medicine which
treats the patient as a whole component and
believes that what causes a symptom can
cure it in a very minimal dose. It was found
by an allopathic doctor Dr Samuel
Role of homoeopathy in Gynaecology
In the current scenario, women of all ages
suffer from different kinds of diseases be it
an infant or the elderly. Diseases may be
caused due to stress and anxiety or may be
due to some under lying pathology or due
changes in hormonal balance. Homoeopathy
helps in all spheres and phases of life a
woman goes through, that is in physical
mental and emotional planes, problems that
a woman faces in her life, especially during
her transition to adolescents and during
Homoeopathic gynaecologist plays a vital
role during adolescence in conditions of
premenstrual syndrome, hormonal
imbalance, and menstrual irregularities and
helps the person re-gain her health through
homoeopathic medicines without any side
effects. There are a lot of teenage girls
suffering from severe abdominal pain during
their menstural period, it may be due
functional or pathological causes, a
homoeopathic gynaecologist assess the
condition by careful examination and can
relieve the pain with correct homoeopathic
Homoeopathic medicines have given a lot of
excellent results in the treatment of infertility
as it involves physical mental and emotional
planes in their treatment and helped couples
have a happy and better life.
Pregnancy can be a blessing for some as
well as dreadful for some women due to
excessive vomiting, bleeding and other such
symptoms. A homoeopathic gynaecologist
helps in the treatment of such cases without
affecting the baby, in fact providing both the
mother and child better health.
Postpartum depression is one of the most
heard terms in recent times. Creating
awareness along with homoeopathic
medicines helps in improving the mother
without hurting the baby.
Gynaecology in homoeopathy and its
Homoeopathic medicines are non-toxic and
have no after effects. It is easy to administer
in patients of all age which includes an infant
or an old person.
Hence its safe for a pregnant women to have
homoeopathic medicine as it would not
affect the baby where as other systems of
medicine would. It also improves the baby’s
health when the homoeopathic medicine is
taken during pregnancy thus a healthy
pregnancy and smooth delivery. Further
more, couples who plans to start a family is
ideally advised to undergo homoeopathy
treatment to make their body fit for the
process as well as it helps in reducing
chances for genetic disorder as the action of
medicine reaches to the genetic level also.
Homoeopathy tends to provide relatively
safe and effective treatment in case of postmenopause symptoms compared to that of
hormone replacement therapy (HRT) which
usually has a lot of complications.
It also helps newly married women who
suffer from repeated urinary tract infection
(UTI) which is also known as honeymoon
Homoeopathy is commonly used to treat
uterine fibroid, pcod, menstrual irregularities
like excessive bleeding, with no bleeding at
all, hormonal imbalances,etc.
Thus homoeopathic medicine in
gynaecological cases are treated with a
minimal dose and has amazing healing
powers. Treating gynaecology cases with
homoeopathic medicines not only helps the
patient regain her health but also strengthen
the body and prepare them for pregnancy. It
also helps women in their post menopause
both mentally and physically and also helps
them improve their immunity
Dr basil’s Homoeo hospital has one of the
best homoeopathic gynaecologists
Dr Hiba Abdul Majeed
Team Dr Basils homoeo hospital
Pandikkad, Malappuram dist