Fatty liver is a typical side effect of modern living. By its natural structure, the liver includes some fat. Fatty liver occurs when the quantity of fat in the liver exceeds 5-10% of its weight. Steatosis is another term for it. Inflammation of the liver can be caused by too much fat. This can lead to liver damage, cirrhosis, and liver failure in the worst-case scenario. 

If overlooked or untreated, many liver disorders can result in permanent and irreversible damage to the liver, posing a severe health risk. On the other hand, a fatty liver does not have conventional treatment. If detected early on, the underlying cause can be treated to slow or even stop the progression of the disease. 

Causes Of Fatty Liver 


Alcoholism, poor diet, obesity, diabetes, and even excessive medication use can all contribute to fatty liver. At the same time, our daily physical activity is decreasing. We’re becoming slaves to technology, machinery, and automobiles. As a result, our ability to burn off the fat we consume is deteriorating. A portion of this fat eventually accumulates in our liver. This may also be the reason to cause fatty liver. 

Symptoms of Fatty Liver 

There are few symptoms in the majority of people. During a normal USG or when undergoing investigations for another problem, they become aware of the presence of this problem. There are some unclear and widespread symptoms in other patients. The signs of liver cirrhosis become more noticeable only in severe cases. 

Here are some signs and symptoms of a Fatty Liver: 

Homeopathy For Fatty Liver 

Homeopathy has some excellent medicines for the treatment of fatty liver. Homeopathic remedies, made up of natural components, are prescribed to patients after a thorough examination of their symptoms. One of the most well-known holistic medical approaches is homeopathy. The holistic approach is used to identify a remedy based on individualization and symptom similarity. Homeopathy is very effective at treating all of the symptoms of fatty liver disease and plays a vital role in preventing relapse. 

Best Homeopathic Medicine For Fatty Liver 

1. Chelidonium- One of the best Homeopathic medicines for the fatty liver with pain under the right scapula 

Chelidonium is the most effective natural treatment for fatty liver disease. The most common side effects of this medication include pain in the right upper abdomen and soreness under the right shoulder. There could also be liver enlargement. Constipation is common in this person. The stool takes the shape of hard balls as it travels through. There is also a swollen abdomen, as well as nausea and vomiting. The excessive weakness affects the sufferer. Chelidonium is the best treatment for jaundice in a patient with Fatty Liver. The craving for really hot drinks and meals is a common symptom that adds weight to the decision to take this treatment. 

2. Lycopodium- One of the best homeopathic medicines for the fatty liver with the fullness of the stomach after eating just a little 

Lycopodium is a natural medication that can help with fatty liver symptoms like gas and acidity. After consuming something, the patient experiences abdominal distension or bloating. The stomach feels bloated. Burning belching is also a common symptom. Even a small amount of food causes abdominal fullness. In the right upper portion of the abdomen, the patient feels heaviness and pain. In most cases, the symptoms worsen in the evening. Farinaceous food aggravates the person’s condition. You may have an unusually strong desire for sweets and hot beverages. 

3. Phosphorus- One of the best homeopathic remedies for the fatty liver with increased thirst 

Phosphorus is one of the greatest homeopathic remedies for the fatty liver when there is increased thirst along with other symptoms. Warm water is intolerable to the sufferer, and as soon as it warms up in the stomach, it is vomited out. Typically, the patient is tall and thin. In the stomach, there is a faint and empty sensation. Lying on the left side exacerbates the discomfort. 

4. Calcarea Carb- One of the best homeopathic remedies for fatty liver in obese people 

Calcarea Carb is a natural treatment that is very effective for obese Fatty Liver sufferers. The individual is chubby and flabby, with extra fat in the liver and entire abdomen. This therapy is effective in removing extra fat from the liver. In people who have been constipated for a long time, digestion is particularly slow. The stomach is usually bloated. These people should not drink milk. A yearning for boiled eggs or unusual things like chalk and pencils are among the noted constitutional symptoms. Another symptom is cold sensitivity and heavy sweating on the head.  

5. Nux Vomica- One of the best homeopathic medicines for the fatty liver due to high life 

Natural remedy Nux Vomica is the best fatty liver treatment in homeopathy when the cause is over-consumption of alcohol. It’s used to treat pain in the abdomen that starts a few hours after eating and feels like a stone in the stomach. The pain is accompanied by sour or bitter belching. Constipation with an ineffective urge to pass stool or poop is an important symptom of choosing Nux Vomica for Fatty Liver. The stool, on the other hand, is inadequate and unsatisfying. The passage of feces relieves abdominal pain, but they need to pass stool returns soon after. The patient craves fatty foods, spicy foods, coffee, and alcoholic beverages in his diet. 


Fatty liver disease is a common ailment, but it requires prompt treatment to avoid major consequences in the future. The traditional treatment for fatty liver disease is based on the disease’s underlying cause. Homeopathy provides a holistic approach to treating fatty liver disease that enhances the liver’s natural function while avoiding side effects and chemical dependency. 

Even though homeopathic treatments have few negative effects when taken in small doses, they should never be self-prescribed. Always consult your homeopathic doctor before taking any remedy. If you have a fatty liver, see a homeopathic doctor right away to get a correct diagnosis and treatment.